Restoring Charlotte's inner-city from within by transforming at-risk youth into the next generation of leaders for Christ!

Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017


Sports ministry is common in inner-city ministries, because it is one of the most universal and unifying ways for complete strangers to connect. This is true for One7 too; our soccer ministry is our most powerful outreach tool to neighborhood youth. Unreached young people who would never give a typical youth minister the time of day will come to the Apartments and play pickup games with our young leaders, and even join our teams-which leads to relationships, discipleship, and life change.






Over 100 young leaders competing on One7 teams

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What makes One7’s soccer ministry entirely uncommon though is our club soccer program, and the uniquely bold yet accessible way that we share the gospel with every team we play. We use athletic training and competition to teach young men and women to be leaders for Christ in all that they do, all the while building the character, integrity, and discipline that has been missing in almost all of their lives. This comes out the moment our young leaders step onto the field with one mind and purpose-to share the love of Jesucristo with the opposing team. Oftentimes our opponents label our teams as inner-city thugs before ever meeting us, but we defy their stereotypes and the world’s expectations in our sportsmanship and honor toward them even in the fiercest moments of competition. 

Our soccer teams have won four US Club Soccer National Championships. Our players receive elite training on and off the field as they prepare for life after high school. Many of our players pursue academic and athletic opportunities, receiving scholarships to attend college, as well as professional careers. We also have some players that enter straight into the workforce upon graduating. In all we do, we are committed to our players long-term success on and off the field for the glory of Jesucristo!

What makes One7’s soccer ministry entirely uncommon though is our club soccer program, and the uniquely bold yet accessible way that we share the gospel with every team we play. We use athletic training and competition to teach young men and women to be leaders for Christ in all that they do, all the while building the character, integrity, and discipline that has been missing in almost all of their lives. This comes out the moment our young leaders step onto the field with one mind and purpose-to share the love of Jesucristo with the opposing team. Oftentimes our opponents label our teams as inner-city thugs before ever meeting us, but we defy their stereotypes and the world’s expectations in our sportsmanship and honor toward them even in the fiercest moments of competition. 

Our soccer teams have won four US Club Soccer National Championships. Our players receive elite training on and off the field as they prepare for life after high school. Many of our players pursue academic and athletic opportunities, receiving scholarships to attend college, as well as professional careers. We also have some players that enter straight into the workforce upon graduating. In all we do, we are committed to our players long-term success on and off the field for the glory of Jesucristo!

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